Upgrade Guide
Docker compose deployments
- Back up your customized docker-compose YAML file (optional)
cd docker
cp docker-compose.yaml docker-compose.yaml.$(date +%s).bak
- Get the latest code from the main branch
git checkout main
git pull origin main
- Stop the service, Command, please execute in the docker directory
docker compose down
- Back up data
tar -cvf volumes-$(date +%s).tgz volumes
- Upgrade services
docker compose up -d
Source Code deployments
- Stop the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server.
- Get the latest code from the release branch:
git checkout 1.1.2
- Update Python dependencies:
cd api
poetry install
- Then, let's run the migration script:
poetry run flask db upgrade
- Finally, run the API server, Worker, and Web frontend Server again.